Before I get to the LOST stuff, I have a few updates on projects I've been working on.
First up, Cakes' quilt.
I finally got that sucker done. Hoorah!! My original plan was to hand quilt it, but that just seemed too overwhelming. I opted to machine quilt it instead. I put it on a frame and pin basted the layers together. I have been assured by many quilters that this technique works marvelously for them. I think they lied. Even with the pin basting and following all their tips, I had bunches and overlaps. Aaargh! It's very frustrating to have made a beautiful quilt top only to have it marred by bad quilting. Next time I'll just tie it or have someone long-arm stitch it.
.I finally got that sucker done. Hoorah!! My original plan was to hand quilt it, but that just seemed too overwhelming. I opted to machine quilt it instead. I put it on a frame and pin basted the layers together. I have been assured by many quilters that this technique works marvelously for them. I think they lied. Even with the pin basting and following all their tips, I had bunches and overlaps. Aaargh! It's very frustrating to have made a beautiful quilt top only to have it marred by bad quilting. Next time I'll just tie it or have someone long-arm stitch it.
I put about 600 curved pins into the quilt. Aren't the colors of this quilt beautiful!!! I was so happy when I picked them out. Keep in mind that I started this quilt in March 2008. I took at class at my favorite shop in Topeka. I finished the top in class then packed it, the backing, and all the scraps away since we were getting ready to move. It's been packed since.
.Even with the overlaps, the quilt turned out nicely. I am just relieved to have it done and on Cakes' bed. That goofy kid was so excited while I was making the quilt. He kept declaring that it was his. As soon as it was done though, he told me that it wasn't his blanket and promptly showed me which blanket was his. It is the yellow baby blanket my dear Aunt K made for him before he was born. He loves that thing! He lets my quilt lay on his bed, but refuses to sleep with it touching him. Haha! Maybe I should just give the quilt to the new baby. ;)
The other project I have finally completed is making my "Pay It Forward" gifts. I took pictures of all three items. I put them in the mail this morning. They will be arriving in Nevada and Utah sometime Friday and in Kansas sometime on Tuesday. Since I don't want to ruin the surprise for the three ladies receiving the gifts, I'm saving the pictures until next week. For now, here is a picture of the boxes on their way out.
Let me know when your gift gets to you!
And now, for LOST...
**Lost Spoilers Ahead...Proceed With Caution***
Have I mentioned how much I love Desmond? Because I do. I think he is an excellent character. I enjoy the Scottish accent, how he calls everyone "Brother", and his determination. At one point in the name game, I was reading through my Celtic Names book and I came across the name Desmond. I seriously considered naming this babe Desmond for a couple of weeks. Then I told my Mom and she started laughing so hard that she had to hang up and get a drink. She called back later to apologize and let me know that she would be fine if I named the baby boy Desmond, she would just be giggling everytime she said his name for the first few years. Sheesh! That knocked that name out. ;)
Anyhoo, it was wonderful seeing Desmond. I was wondering when he would come into play again. He was an integral character through the past few seasons.
1) Hubby and I loved when Whidmore was telling Desmond that he was back on the Island how Desmond's skin right between his lip and nose started twitching like crazy! And his eye went a little berserk too. That was some good acting!
2) Poor guy. He'd already been through so much because of the Island. Then he was shot and removed from his wife and son. But I never thought he would go after Whidmore physically like he did. With all the times that Desmond hit him, I was surprised that Charles only ended up with a gash to the forehead. Did you just love how in Sideways Charles and Desmond are FRIENDS!! Eloise was correct when she said that what Desmond craved most was Whidmore's approval, however she forgot that the only reason he wanted that approval was because he was Penny's Dad. I loved when Charles said, "Nothing's too good for you." That was so ironic!
3) How funny was it when Charlie was describing the love that he saw in his near-death experience...he used the word "Voluptuous" to describe Claire. Haha! I think the drugs must have messed with his vision. Claire is a beautiful gal, but I would never use the word voluptuous to describe her.
4) Love was a major theme of this episode. Charlie flashed and saw Claire. Desmond flashed and saw Penny. Daniel flashed and saw Charlotte. All three men recognized these women and were overwhelmed by the feelings of love they had towards the stranger women. And all three men wanted to regain that love in the Sideways world. When Daniel said that he believed he had already set off the bomb, he seemed wistful to return to the world that brought him Charlotte. Too bad that in that world both he and Charlotte are dead! As for Charlie and Claire, one is dead and the other completely bonkers. Only Desmond and Penny have a good life in the first timeline.
5) Eloise knows! She knows they are in a parallel timeline! And she seems to know the rules and bounds. Wow!
One of my Lost friends thinks Eloise made a deal with the Smoke Monster to get her son back (remember...she shot Daniel while on the Island?). My friend thinks Eloise might be behind the whole Sideways timeline. If that proves true, then Whoa! I don't know if my mind will be able to handle it. Personally, I'm still stuck on Jacob having manipulated everything. There are lots of other theories floating around on the Internet. Most of those blow my mind too. There are just so many ways the Lost writers could go with this story. And with only five episodes left until the season finale...well, I guess I will just have to wait and see. Again, I hope the Lost writers give us a satisfactory ending. Cross your fingers!
6) I loved, loved, loved the end. I was so worried that the limo driver was going to shoot Desmond. Seriously! That kind of stuff happens on Lost. There aren't too many happy or calm endings to shows. How great is it that Desmond is going to find the other passengers. He has "something to show them." So cool!! It will be fun to watch him track down the other passengers and try to show them what he saw.
7) The next episode is titled "Everybody Loves Hurley". So we should finally get the back story of Hurley's new life. They have teased it this entire season. It will be nice to see what actually happened with the man.
8) And my final was hilarious to me that Daniel Faraday, the great Physicist, was a musician in Sideways. Hahaha! It would be fun to hear him play or sing or whatever it is he does.
So insightful, my friend :-). I was a HUGE fan of your stunning quilt, and a HUGE fan of your LOST analysis. HOLY COW--I didn't realize anyone broke down the series like I did. I absolute enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for all of your well-thought-out remarks. CAN'T wait to see what happens in the next 5 episodes! Sarah, you rock my world. You are an exeptional human being. Love ya tons!! Jules
LOVE your quilt-LOVE the colors! Take your next quilt to Quilting Bee! So worth it when you have spent that much time on a beautiful quilt. Best of luck to you in your up and coming delivery!
The quilt turned out GREAT! And I can't wait to get my package. I'll let you know when it gets here.
Beautiful quilt!
Love your insights as usual.
I had to laugh though, when you had an issue with the word, "voluptuous." You don't think that word works well for the very pregnant Claire? :)
I need to think back about what Juliet said in her "near death" state. She was "seeing" something about a different place and time. Do you know what it was? (I will probably have to look it up.)
Nice work on that quilt!
That episode was AWESOME!
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