How great was this last episode! All the characters are coming together. All the story lines are intersecting. Everything is moving forward at such a nice pace. I've been worried that the LOST writers wouldn't be able to pull everything together by the end, but it looks like they will after all! Hooray! Although, the exact satisfaction of the ending is yet to be seen. ;)
1) It is so interesting to me that BSM Locke singled out Jack to talk to. I appreciate that Jack asked Hurley for permission first, that he still respected Hurley as a leader. Good job Jack. Why do you think BSM is singling out Jack? Hurley and Sun (maybe) are candidates too. You would think BSM would want to talk with them as well. It looks like Jack might be the front runner! Haha! I also thought it was an interesting conversation because John and Jack had often combated in regards to what the survivors ought to be doing. And here they are again (sort of).
2) Claire's statement that letting BSM talk to you means you are already on his side is Bull...in my opinion. I know Jack talked with BSM, but that does not mean he is siding with him. I think it's pretty obvious from Jack's statements on the Island and later on the boat that Jack is against BSM and will do whatever it takes to keep him in check. It was pretty gutsy of Jack to jump off the boat like he did. He is usually so worried about everyone else's well-being. I'm glad that he took into account how he felt when he left the Island the first time. I think he made a good choice. Of course, now he has a bit of hearing impairment and BSM thinks Jack has chosen his team. Can't wait to see what happens there. I seriously doubt Jack will do as Sawyer and pretend to go along. Jack is too mouthy for that. Haha!
3) Sun and Jin have a Happy Ending!!! In Sideways and on the Island!!! Well, not really an ending, but whatever. They are having a happy moment. In Sideways, Sun and the baby are saved. Miles told James that Jin was a "Witness" not a suspect. Hooray! They are together and happy. Of course, they'll have to watch out for Sun's Dad. That guy is crazy!
And back on the Island, Sun and Jin are reunited and they are both still alive and well. Hooray!! I was so happy seeing their reunion. It was wonderful. I loved Jin's statement: We'll never be apart again. They only thing they have to deal with is Whidmore, but I don't think he will be too much against Jin and Sun. He has been pretty polite to Jin so far. I think that will carry over to his wife.
Did you all see Sawyer's face as he watched Sun and Jin's reunion? He looked so sad. It seemed to me that he was remembering Juliet and wishing it was himself having a great reunion. Sorry Sawyer. But you still have Sideways...
4) Isn't it great that as powerful as BSM is, he doesn't know everything. He doesn't see everything or understand the true nature of people. It enabled Sawyer to get the boat and get himself, Kate, Claire, Frank, Sun, and Hurley to the other island. It enabled Sayid to look BSM in the eye and tell him he killed Desmond. No one really thinks he did, do they? If so, let me set you straight. Sayid TOTALLY did NOT kill Desmond. How could he? Sayid, with all the bad things he has done, was usually only doing those things to protect people he loved and cared about...not just out of sheer badness. When Desmond asked Sayid what he was going to tell Nadia when she asked what Sayid had done to get her back, I knew Desmond had him. Sayid may be able to look the BSM in the eye and lie, but he could never look Nadia in the eye and do it and he could also never look her in the eye and tell her that he shot a man in cold blood just to get her back. The Nadia that he loves would not stand for that kind of action. And that is why I believe Desmond is still alive. Now, if he is still in the well is another question altogether. I don't know if Sayid would have helped him out of the well or just left him there. I will just have to wait and see.
5) Claire went with Kate. Holy Cow! I didn't see that coming. I thought she was completely lost. And her face when Jack took off with the others after she had just told him the only reason that she stayed with BSM is because he was the only one who hadn't abandoned her...CRAZY! I thought she was going to kill Jack for ditching her. I'm glad Kate was able to convince her that they truly did care about her and wanted her back with them and with Aaron. Hurley seems to have been right about both Claire and Sayid...nobody is All Evil. Everyone can be brought back...Just like Anakin. Haha! How funny was it that when Hurley made a Star Wars reference Sawyer had no idea what he was talking about. Hahaha!!! Sorry Hurley. Sawyer was too busy watching Little House on the Prairie to go see Star Wars. Haha!!!
6) Desmond in Sideways is awesome! He is bringing everyone together. John getting hit by the car has brought him to Jack in the operating room. I love Jack's confidence when looking at the x-rays and scan pictures: "I got this," he states. Nice!! It sounds like John might not be in a wheelchair for much longer. :)
Now the way Desmond approached Claire was a bit stalkerish and kind of creepy in my opinion. I'm glad Claire viewed it as just a caring stranger trying to help her out, but it was making me uncomfortable to watch. The way he kept following her and trying to engage her in conversation. It was just a bit off. Oh well. I still love Desmond. Did I mention I thought about naming this baby after him?? Hubby still thinks that is a good idea. I guess we will just have to wait and see what the kid looks like.
Anyhoo, Desmond brought Claire to Ilana the Lawyer who in turn introduced her to Jack her brother. Awkward! Jack did not make a good impression. The way his whole face fell then he turned away from her. Claire probably thinks that she is the problem and that Jack hates her, when in reality Jack is probably just shocked and ticked at his stupid Dad. I was happy to see that Jack and his son David are in a better place relationship-wise.
7) I appreciated the interaction between John and Ben in the ambulance. Ben was kind and compassionate. I loved when he told John that he would still marry Helen. Ben was being a comfort! It was such an interesting role to see him play. Again, I have to say that I love Sideways Ben. He is just a great man. Good morals and compassionate.
8) I am eager to see what Whidmore's plans are for the newest arrivals to his island. I don't know exactly what he has planned, but I really don't see him killing them...even though they are all currently on their knees with guns pointed at their heads. That gal who is his second-in-command is a gutsy lady. I want to know how much she knows about the Island, Jacob, the BSM, and everything else. Do you think all those people know what is going on? Or do you think that Whidmore is just paying them really well? I'm kind of thinking it must be a combination. Can't wait to see!
9) There are only four more episodes left before the Series Finale on Sunday, May 23. I am super-excited! How about you? Hubby and I have a bunch of different theories, as do most of our friends. It will be so fun to see how everything plays out. I'm sure, despite every one's best guesses, there will be reveals that none of us imagined possible. That is one of the things I love about Lost...even when you think you have it figured out, they can throw you a curve ball. The Lost writers aren't afraid of making bold, decisive moves. And they aren't afraid of killing of characters. It will be so interesting to see how this all turns out in the ends.
Cross your fingers that it will be a fully satisfying ending!
BTW...Today is my due date. It is now 8:30 pm. There are no signs this baby is coming tonight. Or anytime soon for that matter. I'll let you know when the babe finally does decide to come. At this point I'm thinking that between being rear-ended and the earthquake, the boy is afraid to come out. Haha! Hopefully, he'll feel safe soon and make his grand entrance.
In the meantime, Hubby is making me do all sorts of weird things to try and induce labor. Today he has made me eat Pineapple (he read online that it started labor in some ladies), eat a very spicy lunch, he pushed on some pressure point in my ankle (spleen 6)--that one hurt, when I told that to Hubby he said Good, that meant it was working. Aargh! Then he put pressure on the Hoku point in my hand. That one felt pretty good. Oh well. The man spent the morning helping me take care of a sick Mr. J and making strawberry jam, so I can be a good sport as he tries to help me out. And he really is trying to help me. He remembers how hard it was for me to deliver those big babies. Haha! Maybe I'll get lucky and this kid will just be a seven pounder. I mean, a girl can dream can't she. ;)
Good Night!
Brilliant analysis again!! LOVE YOUR THOUGHTS!! You really dig the character development and plot twists like we do---LOVE IT!! Any baby movement today?? Keep me posted--I'm so excited for you!! GOOD LUCK, GIRL!! Julie Moore
I enjoyed this last episode, I have to admit. The last two seasons have really irritated me, and I'm so glad they have taken the focus off of time travel. I love Dez!
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