What a great episode!! It was jam-packed with goodies. Fair warning…I am going to use the word Love a lot in this post. Sorry about the redundancy, but I seriously LOVED this episode!!
1) Love the tribute to Hurley. How fun that he was named “Man of the Year”. I loved that he used his money for good purposes, donating to so many humanitarian projects. That seems to me perfectly in line with his character. At least, the character he would be if he wasn’t an unlucky son of a gun like he is in the “real” time line. It was great that Miles’ Dad was the one to give the tribute. I am thoroughly enjoying how each character’s life connects with the other characters from the Island.
2) Did you see his Mom’s face during the tribute? I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her. I started to worry that Hurley and his Momma had a strained relationship. It seemed probable that the Lost writers would feel the need to give Hurley some bad in his Sideways life. I just hadn’t imagined the bad would be his Momma. I was greatly relieved when she spoke up and told Hurley exactly why she was upset…She wants her son to have a woman in his life! Hahahahaha!!! Poor Hurley looked like he wanted to crawl under a rock when his Mom told him he was going on a blind date and that she would keep arranging dates until they found someone. Hahaha!!!
3) How could Rosalita stand Hurley up? Sheesh! The guy is nice and filthy rich. You would think she would at least try to give it a shot. Oh well. Her loss and Libby’s gain. I totally didn’t recognize Libby at first. I asked Hubby if it was a different actress. He assured me the woman was the same Libby as before. Huh.
It was wonderful to watch her come up to Hurley. Both Libby and Hurley’s faces lit up when they saw each other. I was busting up laughing that Hurley couldn’t look Libby in the eye. He was so shy and awkward. Haha! He kept looking everywhere but at her.
I loved when Libby said that they were soul mates. I had wondered about the intensity of her feelings. We all knew that Hurley adored her and were starting to see that she loved him back, but then she was killed and I was left wondering about the level of her feelings. It’s nice to hear that she felt, and feels, the same way about Hurley as he feels toward her.
4) I was taken aback when the congressman from X-Men came to take Libby away. The Lost guys keep bringing in people I know from other sci-fi shows. It kind of throws me off. I keep thinking I should know them from the Island, when in reality I just know them from other shows. Oh well. Dr. Brooks he is now. He was quite diplomatic about leading Libby away. Oftentimes mental institutions are portrayed as harsh and uncaring. I was glad that Libby was somewhere with a doctor who seemed to respect her and her privacy. Even later in his office when Hurley comes to talk to him, Dr. Brooks is very careful about what information he gives regarding Libby and I felt he spoke respectfully of her.
5) I do love Desmond something fierce. Having said that, I am sure that I have just set in motion his death for the next episode. L Sorry Desmond.
It was great seeing him at the chicken restaurant, trying to play it cool…like he was just bumping into Hurley and not actually stalking him to help him “See”. He came off pretty smooth though. Hurley certainly didn’t catch on. It was quite interesting listening to Desmond advise Hurley to give Libby a chance. I’m glad Hurley listened.
Hurley showed a take-charge kind of attitude when speaking to Dr. Brooks. He was willing to do whatever he could to talk to Libby again. I loved when he said the Rec Center looked like it could use some help then whipped out his checkbook. I laughed as Hurley, again, couldn’t quite look Libby in the eye as he asked her out. And I absolutely adored her response…She would “Love” to go on a date with Hurley. Hooray!!!
6) The date at the beach was perfect. So many fairy tales work out in the end because of a kiss. I loved that it was a kiss from Libby that helped Hurley to “see”. That was a great moment, made even better when the picture scanned over to a shot of Desmond sitting in his car watching. I could just hear him thinking, “One down, Lots to go.” Desmond looked pretty satisfied as he drove away. I have decided to dub Desmond the “Fairy God Father” of Lost. He is flitting along, helping the other passengers “see”. Setting things right.
7) I wonder how Desmond is determining which things will help the other passengers “See”. Hurley got off easy. He just needed a kiss. Poor John Locke!
It was hilarious when Desmond was watching him and Ben came to the car. I love Sideways Ben. He is such a good guy. I love that he confronted Desmond, ready to tear him apart for being a pervert and stalking some poor high school kid. Haha!
I thought Desmond would try to talk to Locke. I never imagined he would run him down! Did you notice Desmond’s face before he started his car? It was a look of resignation mingled with determination. It seemed to me that he didn’t really want to run Locke over, but somehow knew that THAT was how Locke would “see” and was determined to have that outcome, no matter the means. I hope it works.
From the previews for next week, it looks like Locke is in a pretty serious condition. They showed him convulsing a bit and wearing a neck brace. How much do you want to bet that Locke somehow ends up at the hospital where Jack works? Remember Jack? The great spinal surgeon? I am thinking that the odds are pretty good.
8) Back on the Island, Ilana blew herself up!! Crikey!!! I totally didn’t see that coming! Well, I kind of saw it coming, but I thought the dynamite would go off later and that she would just suffer some injuries. I did NOT think that she would die so soon! It was so abrupt!
Did everyone hear Ben’s comment? He was musing on Ilana’s death. She was hand-picked by Jacob, trained to protect the candidates. Then she told the candidates that they were candidates. Ben said Ilana lived just long enough to tell the candidates what they were and then the Island was through with her. She wasn’t necessary anymore and Boom! She was gone! Ben wondered aloud what the Island would do when it was through with the rest of them. I wonder about that too!
Desmond is thinking along the same lines. He states, very matter of factly, that the Island has it in for everyone. I can hardly wait to see how this all unfolds!!
9) Back on the Island, Hurley has stepped up and taken charge. I was surprised that Jack completely backed off and followed Hurley. I loved his explanation later about letting go and trusting Hurley. That is a huge step for Jack. I like Jack much better as a humble and contrite man.
It was fun to see Hurley try to bluff about seeing Jacob. He is such a bad liar! I’m glad that Richard didn’t fall for it. I loved that Hurley told Richard that he didn’t have to prove anything to him. A huge step for Hugo! He is growing into a strong and assertive man. It suits him. I wasn’t expecting their little gang to split up. And certainly not the way it did. Who would have thought Ben would follow Richard? After everything they been through, I expected Ben to question Richard, not follow him. And then Miles leaving too. Although, Miles really doesn’t have any connections to the gang like he did to Sawyer, Jin, and Juliet. They had all worked and lived together for three years. But Jack, Sun, Frank and Hurley have no real ties to Miles. I hope Richard, Ben and Miles are going to be alright.
I hope Hurley’s plan to talk to BSM turns out alright. I am really nervous about that. It seems like Hurley, Jack, and Sun should be safe from the BSM’s wrath. He told Claire before that he needed the people whose names were listed in the cave. But that leaves Frank completely open…unless BSM wants him to fly the plane. Hmmm. Hopefully, Frank can use his pilot experience to keep himself alive. I’m excited to hear the conversation play out next week. That should be some excellent writing!
10) It was interesting to learn that the whispers in the wood are souls trapped because of the bad things they had done. I was sorry to see Michael there, but happy that he was penitent about killing Libby. He had expressed sorrow for that action before, when he was on the boat, but it was nice he was able to say it to Hurley…the man who was so greatly affected by Michael’s actions. It was also interesting that when Hurley asked Michael if there was anything he could do to help him, Michael’s response was for Hurley not to get killed. I wonder what Hurley’s final role will be in this grand adventure…
11) As Sayid leads BSM through the forest, did you notice his face? It is void of all emotion. He is like the walking dead. That makes me so sad for Sayid…even though he made that choice himself. I hope there will be a chance for redemption for Sayid and a chance at happiness. Love has played such a huge role in the last few episodes. However, every time Sayid finds love, his love is Killed! Even in Sideways, where most people are happy, Sayid’s love is lost to him.
Anyhoo, back to the forest. Desmond looked so calm sitting tied to the tree. I worried that BSM would kill him then and there. With everything that Desmond knows, how does he not know that Locke is Dead? Ey-yah! He thinks the BSM really is John Locke. It was interesting watching them walk through the forest together. The things that caught my eye:
1-Desmond can see the boy. I still don’t know what that means, but BSM freaks out every time he sees the boy and his eye seems to twitch when he learns that another person can see the boy too.
2-Desmond thinks the Island has it out for “all of us”.
3-Desmond isn’t afraid. His statement of "What is there to be afraid of" seems to throw BSM off for a few moments. BSM really just doesn’t seem to know what to make of Desmond and his calm demeanor. I’m not sure if BSM fully understands the implications of Desmond’s presence on the Island. It seemed that, on learning that Desmond had survived the electromagnetic stuff twice, BSM’s face grew a bit wary, not afraid exactly, but definitely wary. He knows that Desmond is a threat to him, but I don’t think he knows the exact extent or type of threat.
12) So, everyone knew that Desmond was going to be thrown into the well. Right? I mean it was pretty obvious. Personally, I thought BSM might kill him first then throw him into the well. But considering Desmond could see the boy, I don’t know if BSM can kill Desmond. I was worried the fall would have finished the job, but from next week’s tease, we see that Desmond is alive and sporting a nasty gash to the head. Next week’s tease also shows Sayid pointing a gun down at Desmond and we hear a gun shot. Yeah Right! I totally don’t buy that Sayid is going to kill Desmond like that. It’s just not how things are done on the Island. Plus, they teased the scene to look like that, which means the Lost promoters are probably trying to set us all up again. It will be fun to see how that plays out next week.
13) And my final note, Hubby thinks he has figured out how the series will end. He thinks it will end with everyone in Sideways. He thinks that eventually Desmond will track down all the passengers, they will “see”, have their memories from the Island, but still have their happy lives in Sideways, which will then be enriched by their experiences from the Island. I think Hubby has lost it. That would be a cheesy ending. And very unsatisfying. I want to know what happens to everyone ON THE ISLAND. Sideways is just an Alice in Wonderland thing to me. Not real. I want everyone to live happily ever after, but this is Lost we are talking about! We will be lucky if a few people get a decently ever after. How do you think it will end?