Monday, November 16, 2009

A Quick Review

Place Your Bets!

Tomorrow afternoon is my "official ultrasound" appointment. The one where you have to drink 32 oz. of water then do your best not to die while a technician firmly presses the ultrasound wand all over your abdomen. It's also the one where they tell you (baby's position permitting) if your having a Boy or a Girl. Anyone want to take a guess??? Personally, I am not placing a bet. Being 0-4 kind of puts a damper on the guessing game. The family, who have guessed correctly on occasion, have already put in their opinions. So far the results are 3 Girl, 3 Boy. Cross your fingers that I'll find out who's right tomorrow.
Hubby's Busy Schedule

On a side note, even if I do find out what I'm having, I might not tell. Why?? Well, I don't want you to tell Hubby.
See, Hubby's work is super busy right now and he won't be able to attend the ultrasound. I think this is the first one he'll miss. I love Hubby dearly and can honestly say he's my best friend. However, in our relationship we have a lovely time harassing each other every so often. And now I will have the perfect ammo to get him and get him Good! It will kill him to know that I know the gender and he doesn't. Oooh! I can have such fun. Mwhaha!
Of course, I might let him earn the knowledge. I'll have to think up something good. Something like back rubs on demand for a month or taking me out for a dinner at some yummy place. ;)
Morphing Studies
As part of my Bachelors, I studied marital relationships. In one class, a study was reviewed that claimed the married couples, as they age, grow more and more similar in taste, personality, and appearance. Scary!! I laughed at the time and kind of shuddered to think about morphing into my Hubby. Bur Horror of Horrors!!! The morphing has begun!!! Thankfully it has only reached the taste buds and I'm praying will only last the duration of my pregnancy.
I have never in my life eaten a Big Mac. I prefer a petite hand-formed patty loaded to the brim with veggies. However, during my first trimester when I was so sick and everything I ate sat wrong, I saw a billboard for a Big Mac and it looked good. I chided myself and kept driving. But a week later, I found myself in the drive-thru ordering a Big Mac. I took it home and ate the entire thing. It was delicious. My tummy and my mouth felt so happy, and my heart felt like crying. I called Hubby practically in tears to confess my grievous behavior. He didn't believe me. When he came home and saw the wrapper, his eyes bugged out of his head. I have since had at least one Big Mac a week. Usually two or three. It's disgusting and delicious all at the same time. I am really at odds with myself. This is definitely Hubby's child.
Other things I now eat that I didn't eat before:
1) Dill Pickles. I can't get enough. They used to give me heartburn.
2) Mayonnaise. I never used the stuff. Just mustard and a little ranch and I was happy. Now I'm slathering my sandwiches with mayo.
3) Soda or Lemonade with my Big Mac. I never ordered drinks. I always got water. But now I need the sugary junk!
4) Pepperoni Pizza. I always ordered a small veggie pizza for myself. But now I can't eat mushrooms or bell peppers. Those are two of my favorite foods!!! I am so sad. For the first few weeks I kept trying to eat them. Thinking that a different recipe wouldn't make me sick. But no. Mushrooms and bell peppers are no longer my friends. And I miss them. A lot. :(
I tell you, my taste buds have morphed. Hubby still can't get over me eating a Big Mac. He thinks me eating Mayo is even weirder. He was seriously concerned about my mental state when he saw me slathering that white stuff on a slice of bread. :(
Tess of the D'Urbervilles

This book has been on my "to read" list for years. Once I started college, extracurricular reading was put on hold. By the time I started reading for pleasure again, I wanted to read light and happy stories. Life was just too emotionally demanding for me to read anything dark or heavy. I must confess that I become very obsessed when reading. I really get into the stories and become quite invested in the characters. I also notice (and am irritated by) typographical and grammatical errors, inconsistencies in storyline, and other fun stuff like that. Books I have read lately include the Lightening Thief series, re-read the Anne of Green Gables series (except the last book about's sad!), and the ever popular Magic Treehouse, Captain Underpants, and A to Z Mysteries. All fun, light, and easy reads.
Then I read about Tess. It was AWFUL and INFURIATING!! The writing was superb. The story well-thought out and executed beautifully. It was thoroughly engaging, moved at a nice pace, and had an actual conclusion (something many of today's authors think is optional). The awful part was everything that happened to Tess. Holy Cow!! I don't want to give anything away, so I won't elaborate on the awfulness. Just know that when you read this story you are going to hate a man or two passionately and curse their names every time they appear in their self-righteous glory.
My kids were laughing at me because every so often I would put the book down and start storming about the room yelling about those awful men. I gave Hubby an earful when he asked me what I was talking about. Lecturing him on the values of a good man and condemning arrogance, self-righteousness, and hypocrisy. He made no further inquiries after that. ;)


Kimmy said...

How exciting!!! I am guessing girl, (but thats cuz I want one, so maybe if I wish it out it will come back to me. ;) Thats really too bad that your spouse is missing out today. Work be danged- its THE ultrasound! Besides the birth, thats the one appointment he should be at!
So Big Macs huh? Hilarious!

Tina said...

I am going to say boy, because of your new eating habits!!

Christina said...

I'm guessing a boy. But you have to let us know. You can't make us guess and not tell us! Good luch at the ultrasound (if you haven't already had it).

I laughed about the Big Mac. When I was prego with Hailey all I wanted were 7-11 hot dogs. Had one 3 or 4 times a week. NASTY!! Good thing those cravings go away once baby arrives.

Megan said...

How exciting!!
I always cheated and never drank the 32ozs.- couldn't stand it!
I will guess girl- for no particular reason. Good luck!

Tina said...

Oh, and I meant to add that I went by myself to all my ultrasounds. It just always seemed to turn out that way.

Anyway, you need to tell us now!!