Monday, November 24, 2008

Sock Hop

Friday night our new Stake had an adult dance with a 50's Sock Hop theme. Before the dance, they also had a seminar on strengthening your marriage. The hubby and I totally blew that off! As if we need a stronger marriage. Hah! Actually, we were going to attend, but we had a miscommunication with our babysitter. He thought we were only going to the dance, which began an hour later. Hopefully a fun date will be enough to strengthen our marriage. ;)

(BTW our babysitter was GREAT!!! I would totally use him again.)

The cultural hall was decked out beautifully. Our ward's Young Women and Young Men were in charge of the decorations. Good job!!

They had a "Diner" with soft-serve ice cream, popcorn, nuts, and root beer floats. NICE!
That's me in the pink with my hair slicked back in a pony tail.

Here's the hubby chilling at a '50s diner-style table. They took Every square and
rectangle table from the Church. No round tables allowed!

They had a live DJ. Which was a big deal. I guess they usually use dead ones.
The two older couples on the dance floor were the best dancers EVER! The couple in the middle left won a prize for being on the dance floor the longest. The couple in the middle right did not, but the MAN should have. The reason HE didn't get noticed...he was doing double duty. He took turns dancing with his wife and his wife's dateless friend. He danced to every song. That man had Energy and good dancing skills!!

In addition to the Live DJ, we also had a LIVE Band. They played a bunch
of fifties songs. They were very good. Four of the guys are in my new
ward. And one of those guys is in the bishopric AND our new orthodontist. Silly!!

We had a great time. Two silly things that happened:

1. They had an Elvis impersonator contest. NO ONE ENTERED! So I, yes I, strolled to the middle of the dance floor to do my version of Elvis legs. At that point one brave male YSA decided to join me. His version of Elvis looked more like Kenickie from Grease. But we had fun...even though neither of us won a cake. We were robbed I tell you. Robbed! :(

2. Standing in the corner the whole time, not dancing, not participating, were two men dressed in suits. As the hubby and I were leaving we walked past them. I asked if they were having a good time. They answered, with very somber faces, yes. I laughed and said good. Still somber faces. So I, compelled by who knows what, probably some twisted need to make sure everyone is having fun and feeling included, proceeded to razz them a bit-trying to get a smile out of them-and asked why they didn't dress in sock hop attire. The man closest to the door answered: "This was the way they dressed in the fifties at church dances, except the ties were a little thinner." I laughed and said "You're right. Good costume."

Turns out that man was the Stake President! The other man was a High Councilor. That is SO funny to me! Our last two Stake Presidents have been such jovial guys, always ready for a good time. Our most recent Stake Pres would have been the first on the dance floor and the last one off and would have made sure that EVERY single woman got at least one spin on the dance floor with him. He would also have regaled us with his version of the "Robot" dance. This new somber Stk. Pres will take some getting used to... ;)

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