Tuesday, May 4, 2010

LOST Tragedy

***LOST Spoilers Ahead...Proceed With Caution***











1) This evening my daughter Rose was working on her homework. She needed some help with one of the assignments. She was supposed to write a 7-up sentence using the word "Tragedy". A 7-up sentence is a sentence with seven words.


When I think of the word tragedy my mind turns to Shakespeare. We played around with different sentences using Shakespeare as our reference point. Rose ended up using "The play Hamlet is a great tragedy." A pretty straightforward statement, but it met the 7-up requirements.


Tonight's episode of LOST could also be called a tragedy. Let's see if I can come up with a 7-up sentence to describe what I mean..."The Kwans' death is an epic tragedy." or how about "The Kwans' death was a foreseeable tragedy." I think that one might fit better.


We all knew that either Jin or Sun were going to die. We knew it. I was thrilled last episode that Jin and Sun were both alive and healthy at their reunion. I had been so worried that the Lost writers would have the reunion be at the deathbed of one of them or that they would only be reunited after the death of the other spouse. It was wonderful to see them reunited happy and whole. But their deaths at the end of this episode....Whoa. That was just...Whoa.


I loved that Jin didn't leave her. He had said before that if he ever found Sun, he would never leave her side again. He kept that vow. It was heart-wrenching to see. Especially the final scene with their previously clasped hands slowly drifting apart in the water. Holy buckets! That was hard to watch.


I watched this episode while holding my new babe and I kept thinking about the Kwan's little girl. I kind of hoped that Jin would leave so he could raise his little girl. Of course, there was no guarantee that he would have made it off the Island, however I still kind of hoped. But his refusing to leave, Whoa. The love and commitment was astounding. Sun and Jin's relationship has been all over the place during their time on the Island and the three years apart. It was great to see it blossom into a true and deep and abiding love. What??? A lasting love??? Cue the Lost writers to destroy it! Those guys and gals just can't seem to stand watching anyone happy and in love. Do you think any of them are in happy and loving relationships? I sure hope at least one of them is. Of course, if there is one writer happily married they are probably married to someone with only three months to live. Sheesh!


2) Hooray for Bernard! It was nice to see him. (Please note he is happily married...to a woman who is dying.) He gave Jack the name "Anthony Cooper" then said "I hope you find what you're looking for." Oh! That line sounded familiar. I wonder why? Haha! Probably because it has been said a few times before. It doesn't seem like anyone on the Island is finding what they are looking for without meeting some tragic end. But Sideways people seem to be finding what they are looking for without too much tragedy. At least, not yet...


3) I totally did not see it coming that John would be responsible for his Dad's vegetable state. John spoke of his Father with love and respect. He wanted his Dad to be the first he flew with. Wow! So, let me get this straight...John and Anthony had a good relationship? Really??? How do you think that all works since we know that Anthony still had a hand in the demise of James' parents? Do you think Anthony was a conman? Maybe he actually had a line this time...I mean a line that he wouldn't cross. Like maybe he was okay conning others, but he would never con his own son... Like that was a line he just wouldn't cross... I really just don't know what to think there.
In the meantime, John is punishing himself for the accident and his Dad's vegetable state. That's so sad.
4) Island Jack keeps leaving Claire behind! I know this time he didn't do it knowingly, but still. Come on big brother! Look out for your little sis. I appreciated Sideways Jack telling Claire that they are family and offering her a place at his home.
5) Sayid told Jack where Desmond was and declared that he knew Jack would be the one chosen...unless I heard that wrong. :(
I think Sayid showed that he still had good in him when he grabbed the bomb and ran to the other side of the sub. Whether Sayid is right about Jack, there are only three candidates left. BSM is doing a good job getting rid of them. Sayid is dead now. And both the Kwans. I wonder if we'll ever find out which Kwan Jacob meant. I still think it was Jin, just because all the other candidates are male. Anyhoo, we're down to three: Jack, James, and Hurley. As much as I like Sawyer, I'm leaning towards either Jack or Hurley as the replacement.
6) Frank is dead. I liked him and now he is dead. :(
I think Jack is right, BSM can't kill the candidates. Hopefully, James and Hurley will listen to him and they can stand up to BSM together and take that smokey monster down!!! For now, the BSM is marching off to Whidmore's camp to "finish what he started". Do you think anyone from Whidmore's team will still be alive for the next episode?? I assume that at least Whidmore will survive.
7) So things to look forward to in the next episode:
*Desmond being pulled from the well.
*A little more from Whidmore and his camp.
*Hurley, Jack, Sawyer, and Kate forming a plan to take out BSM.
*Richard, Ben, and Miles doing something or other. Not sure that they will blow up the plane, but they still have a part to play. The Island isn't done with them yet.
What do you think is going to happen next???


Crunchyconmommy said...

I'm not sure if we are going to get all of that stuff next week! It looks like a Jacob/Man in Black backstory --- YAY! But we only have a few more weeks in which to get ANYTHING --- boo.

Remember, Desmond isn't in the well anymore. Right before he died, Sayid told Jack that Desmond was hiding in a cabin, and that he figured Jack would need Desmond since Man in Black wanted him dead. So I think Sayid was snapped back to "himself" when Desmond asked what Nadia would think of Sayid killing Desmond to get her back. He then was able to choose to redeem himself by saving the others.

(Which makes me wonder whether the whole "infection" thing is just another lie of the Man in Black to fool people into thinking that they have no free will. Claire seems to be snapping back fairly well, too.)

Didn't you just know, last week when Jin promised Sun that they'd never be apart again, that tragedy was looming? I mean, this is LOST. The only happy ending you can count on is one that happens in the finale, I think (I'm still rooting for Desmond and Penny). Though in a tragic way, they did have a... not HAPPY ending, of course, but a satisfying ending, in that they were reunited and they weren't separated again. Man, I blubbered like a baby.

So much else was happening with the main characters dying that I kind of forgot about Frank. Sad.

And yes, I really hope we see Richard, Ben and Miles soon. I miss them!

Sarah Blue said...

I'm so glad you heard what Sayid said. I missed the part about the cabin. Hooray for friends who can keep me on track with Lost. :)

Megan said...

I am not one of those friends...the kind that can keep you on track.
I am tragically not a TV watcher. (There's my 7-up!) :)

Tina said...

I watched it twice, and I cried more the second time than the first. The Sun and Jin thing really got to me. They were sweet though, and together. They had such ups and downs in their relationship. They were finally in the same place, and ready to go forward....:( As sad as it was, it was like they were finally settled, solved, redeemed...something like that.

That brings me to Sayid. He sacrificed himself for the others. I feel like they have had him go back and forth so much. Is he a good guy, or a bad guy. I'm going to go with good, especially since Desmond is still alive.

As I was watching, I wondered why no one could kill the Locke Monster, but Jack could knock him in the water. As it turns out, he wanted to be knocked out of the way, didn't he?

I just have to add, that I am so sick of Claire's island look. I want to fix her hair!