Sunday, January 17, 2010

What's in a Name, Part 2

Two other considerations when naming your child:
1) How will the name look written out?
2) Does this name, or any of its nicknames or derivatives, have inappropriate/embarrassing connotations or rhyme with inappropriate/embarrassing words?
1) It is important that a child be able to write their own name. A name that is too long or has an odd configuration can hinder the child. Also, some letters just don't look good next to each other.
For example, Atticus and Matthew.
These names have the dreaded double T. When typing, the t's look nice and neat. When handwritten, the t's blend together to form an H, turning "Atticus" into "Ahicus". You could cross the t's on different levels, but that looks odd and I really don't want my son to have a name that looks odd when written.
And yes, I realize that is a bit obsessive to cross all names that have double t's off my list for such a small reason, but Come On!!! This is who I am. A crazed, planning-for-the-future-obsessed lady. And those natural tendencies are only amplified by the pregnancy hormones. ;)
Also out: "IL" names. When written, the Il can be mistaken for two l's or two i's, depending on the child reading it.
2) Let's face it, kids on the playground will find any reason they can to tease another kid. Given mine and my husband's crazy growth patterns (Hubby was six foot one in sixth grade), our poor kid is already likely to face teasing based on stature. We don't want him made fun of for his name too.
So, we are also considering connotations, cultural references, and rhyming.
This consideration crosses out names like:
* Bart (fart)
* Bruce (I really like this name too. but for the last ten years it has been culturally referenced as the quintessential gay man's name.)
* Tucker (mother f...)
* Mitch (b...)
* Chester (refers to perverts and molesters)
* Edward (people will think I'm naming him after Twilight. btw Joe's favorite name for years has been Isabella. he first heard it from "Bring a Torch Jeanette, Isabella." that name is out too.)
* Hussein (the name means "small handsome one" and really does sound cute. too bad a dictator had the name. Adolph is out for similar reasons. seriously! who still uses these names??)
* Hyman (hymen. this rhyme also crosses out Hyrum for me. those names are just a bit too similar for my liking.)
* Ichabod (Crane. he was the biggest wuss of them all)
* Peter & John (have you seen "Nunsense"? you won't understand this cross off until you do.)
I could go on, but I think you get the general idea.
*sigh* I've just about given up on my name books. I've read them through multiple times, but still haven't found "THE" name. I've started searching online. Wish me luck!


Christina said...

My nephew is Zeik and all I could think of when my sister named him was that all the kids are going to call him Zeik the geek or Zeik the freak. I just don't understand why people do that to their kids.

PEHNelson said...

I'm glad i'm on the only one who obesses with names. I have to say it out loud for at least a week before I even decide if I like it. And I look at syllables too when I'm deciding....i like the sound of odd numbered syllables in a name. Weird. I know!

Sabra said...

I'm hard at work making a list of great names for you!