Saturday, May 22, 2010

LOST is Explaining Deaths






***LOST Spoilers Ahead...Proceed With Caution***










This was a terrific episode. I was sad to watch it though. This is the last episode before the finale. This is one of the few shows that I have watched to the end that managed to not fizzle out. The plot and writing have remained strong to the end.


Be sure to tune in Sunday night for the Finale!


1) The Concert!! That is going to be a big event. First we learned that David is going to be playing at the concert with Papa Jack planning on attending. I’m not sure if he will still make it to the concert on time, since Desmond has sent him looking for his Dad’s body. Other people we know will be attending include Charlotte, Miles, Miles’ Dad (sorry, I forgot his name), Desmond, and Kate. I’m not sure if Hurley and Sayid will attend be there. I’m kind of thinking that Desmond has other plans for those two. But if they do end up attending, I’m thinking that Libby might come as well.


Miles said that it was a fundraiser for his Dad’s work. Do you think he is still working for the Dharma Initiative? How weird would that be to see a concert hall all done up with the Dharma insignia everywhere! Haha! I’m thinking that whatever project he is working on, he probably has Charles Whidmore or Eloise involved. You know we are going to see more of those two at some point during the finale. Actually, I’m thinking, more than anyone else, we need to see Eloise and Daniel. They both knew something was up in the Sideways timeline. Especially Eloise! I would like to see more of what she knows…


2) Desmond is fabulous. I can’t believe he went after Ben like he did and how crazy that getting beat up by Desmond is what helped Ben to see. Then he goes to Sawyer to confess and gets thrown in prison with Sayid and Kate. I started cracking up when I saw that. However, I just thought that Desmond would try to talk to them both while in prison. I should have known that crafty and intelligent man had more up his sleeve. He is doing a superb job linking the Oceanic passengers to each other. Do you think Eloise is going to be mad at him? ;)


I loved the prison break. I loved that Hurley was the accomplice and financer of the operation. And I loved that Hurley apologized to Desmond for bring him the Camaro. Haha! That was great!


3) Jack needs his eyebrows trimmed and one particular eyebrow hair just needs to be plucked! When the scene opened up on his eye, all I could see was that one long, nasty looking eyebrow hair looping down over his pretty green eye. As someone who has to trim their own eyebrows, I understand that it’s not always easy to keep up with the maintenance. But come on! Jack has a whole team of make-up people who make sure the blood and scars are in the same place for each episode. Why couldn’t someone have watched out for the man’s eyebrows too?


4) Benjamin Linus is a conundrum. I really like him, but he keeps doing bad, bad things on the Island. Remember when he almost died as a little boy and was saved at the temple. Kate was warned that he “would never be the same again”. Do you think the temple sucked out his conscious? Do you think it was the temple’s fault that he turned into such a self-serving, self-preserving-no-matter-who-gets-hurt kind of guy? Of course it didn’t. Ben has proved that he can be kind and loving. He proved that when he saved Alex and then as he raised her. He’s shown compassion when dealing with the Others. He can be the kindest, warmest man, then he’ll turn around and snap your neck. I just really don’t know what to think about him. I’ve been going through this for how many seasons know??? Ey-yah!


Sideways Ben is nice through and through. He started to get a little power hungry when dealing with the principle, but pulled back for Alex. How great was it to see Sideways Ben meet Danielle! My goodness, did you see the sparks? I certainly did. I also don’t think it was onions that made Ben tear up. Neither did Danielle. She was very sweet when she played along with Ben’s excuse and promised to use less onions the next time. It was a tender moment when she told him that Alex saw him as a father-figure. I said it before and I’ll say it again, I want to see Sideways Ben happy and settled down with a wife. I kind of played around with the idea of Danielle because Island Ben loved Alex so much, but I never thought it would really happen. That’s one of the things I love about this show…they keep throwing me for a loop, but in such a way that it makes sense and I totally buy it!


5) Back to the beginning. Jack and John are again arguing Fate versus Coincidence. But both are now mature enough to agree to disagree politely. Or maybe the politeness comes from the fact that they aren’t all stuck on an Island and majorly stressing out. It was interesting to watch their exchange in Jack’s office. John and Jack both have not yet flashed, but they are definitely benefiting from lessons they learned on the Island. I wonder what will finally make them both “see”…


6) If Whidmore is always three steps ahead of Ben then:


A - Why didn’t he sink the boat before he headed to the houses? Why didn’t he just stash his equipment into some bushes and sink the stinking boat!


B - Why in the world did he think that Ben would actually keep his hiding spot secret?


C – How did he not see it coming that Ben would want revenge for Alex’s death?


D – Why would he think that BSM would actually spare his daughter’s life if he gave up the info regarding Desmond?


E – How did he not see it coming that Ben would go a little nuts and kill him?


Sorry to tell you this Charles, but you are definitely NOT three steps ahead of Ben. L


7) Richard can’t die. BSM threw him hard, but the man can’t die. I am wondering how Richard will figure in to the season finale. Also, where is Miles? Do you think he will run into Jack and the others? Or do you think the BSM will bet to him first? I’m thinking that the Lost writers will have Miles first run in to somebody so that his death will make more of an impact. The Lost writers don’t seem to kill off anybody quietly or without someone watching.


8) Ben agreed to help BSM in exchange for the Island. At the end of the episode, BSM told Ben he planned to blow up the whole Island…the very thing he’d told Ben he could have. With this newfound info, I’m thinking that Ben won’t be as loyal to BSM as he might otherwise have been. Although, I don’t think Ben was loyal to BSM at any point. Ben kind of seems to just be in pure survival mode. He is doing whatever he can to stay alive. Do you think he will be the Gollum of this story? A twisted creature who unwittingly helps to overcome the evil. Or do you think he will be more like the Darth Vader? A man who at the very end recognizes the good and sacrifices his own life to defeat the evil. At this point, I’m thinking it will be one of these two. And yes, in both my scenarios Ben dies. I really can’t see the Lost writers letting him live. I will be quite surprised if he survives the finale.


9) Why did BSM leave Claire alone on the other Island? I say alone because I am sure that BSM killed everyone else before he left. I don’t know what is going to happen to her. Also, now that Jack is the replacement, what is going to happen to Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley? Since they are no longer candidates, I am thinking that the BSM will be free to kill them. Watch out guys!!!


10) Jack is the Replacement!!! Wow! I thought it would be him. I like that Jacob let them volunteer. I half-expected Sawyer, after hearing Jack volunteer, to jump up and insist that he be the one instead, just to outdo Jack. Haha. I’m glad that he kept his head cool in that moment. I think it will be a good job for Jack. It will give purpose and meaning to his life, he will be serving and helping. It was good to see Jack be sure of himself too. Confidence in himself is something that Jack has continuously struggled with. Even as he volunteered, he was almost asking Jacob if that was the right choice. I’m glad that Jacob called him on that. “Is that a question Jack?” I was happy when Jack answered more confidently that it was not. Good job Jack. Now go protect the light.


Wasn’t it interesting to learn some of the reasons behind why Jacob chose the people he did?


And, how do you think they will finally kill the BSM? I just had a totally weird and random thought!!! Hahahaha!! My kids, for that last few months, have really been in to watching the “Ernest” movies. In the Halloween Ernest, there are monster trolls who are defeated by milk. But one of the trolls has grown so large that the only way left for Ernest to destroy it is by loving it and giving it a great big kiss! Hahahaha!! If the Lost writers go anywhere near the plot line of killing the BSM with love or kindness I am going to have an asthma attack from laughing too hard! Hahaha!!!


11) Do you notice Jack’s face as he drank the water? His eyes fluttered and then opened with such a look of understanding and enlightenment. That was some good acting! I had wondered how Jack would know how to protect the light. I had wondered how Jacob knew, since his Fake Momma hadn’t had time to explain everything. After watching Jack’s eyes after drinking the water, I have decided that when a person becomes the Protector, they just know how to do the job. I wonder how long Jack will last. BSM was unable to hurt Jacob or his candidates, but will the deal extend to the new protector? And do you think Jack has any powers now? Jacob didn’t seem to have any, but how cool would it be if Jack could find some way to harness the light within himself and cast the BSM back down into the hole. Yeah! That would be great!



To close things out, I am going to list my favorite lines from this episode.


Favorite Lines:


1) Miles to Ben: “I loved in those houses 30 years before you did. Otherwise known as last week.”


2) Exchange between Ben & Richard while getting the C-4

Ben: Richard, it’s your idea. Are we looking to cripple the plane or blow it to hell?

Richard: Blow it to hell.

Ben: Then we better take it all.


3) Desmond to Sawyer: “I’m the suspect.”


4) Sideways Ben explaining his injuries to Alex: “I found myself confronting someone who had a bit of a temper.”


5) Jacob responding to Kate’s question: “It’s just a line of chalk in a cave. The job is yours if you want it Kate.”


6) Sawyer while watching Jack’s initiation: “And I thought that guy had a God complex before.”
I'll be waiting Monday Morning to hear what you thought of the Finale!!! Be sure to let me know your thoughts and opinions. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

LOST in a Flashback

Cakes is asleep on my couch. Jim is asleep in his bassinet. Mr. J is at preschool. And I have twenty minutes to myself before I pick up Joe from Kindergarten. Since the babe was born I have been using any time to myself to catch up on sleep. But twenty minutes is only enough time for me to fall asleep and wake up with a killer headache. So instead of sleeping, I will finally post my thoughts regarding last week's episode of LOST.






***Lost Spoilers Ahead...Proceed With Caution***







What a fabulous episode! The Lost writers really are putting out strong and focused stories, for which I am deeply grateful.


1) As soon as Jacob's Spanish-speaking Bio-Momma pushed him out, I turned to Hubby and said: "Look at her stomach! It's still full. The special effects people must not have ever seen a real woman's tummy after the baby came out." Hubby just laughed. Having just given birth a mere three weeks ago, we remembered quite well that a new momma's tummy is like a big old deflated balloon after giving birth.


Turns out that the Lost writers had something else up their sleeves. I was a little surprised to see a twin follow Jacob. Last year I, and a few friends, had toyed with the idea of a Jacob & Esau type of relationship for Jacob and the Man in Black. But we pretty much concluded that we were reaching too far and let the idea go. I was surprised that we were so close in our musings!


2) What is with Jacob's brother not getting a name? Sheesh! Poor little guy. I do know two other guys who are only known as Brother. One is Jared's Brother, but he had a was just too hard for some people to say. The other guy is Brother on the Berenstein Bears, but at least his parents were fair about it and named his little sister Sister.


I think it has a deeper meaning that Brother was called only Brother. I just don't quite know what that meaning it yet...


3) I was pleasantly surprised by Fake Momma's kindness to Bio-Momma when she first washed up on the Island. I thought she might be taken in and cared for by Fake Momma. After the initial kindness I was shocked when Fake Momma reached for the rock! The duplicity was stunning! I mean, the woman had just given birth! To Twins!


Duplicity in characters has been a common theme in Lost. Characters are nice and calm with loved ones, and crazy-psycho-killers to anyone who poses a threat. I think most people have that duplicity in them. I know I do. Well, I'm not a crazy-psycho killer, but I will fight you if you try to mess with my kids!!! ;)


It was interesting when Fake Momma explained that the Island brought Jacob and Brother to her to replace her in watching the light. She was so loving to both boys. When Jacob ratted out Brother regarding the game, I thought for sure the poor guy was going to be in a heap of trouble. Instead, we learned that Fake Momma was the one who had supplied the game. It was also interesting to learn that Jacob is incapable of lying, unlike Brother.


4) How cool was the Light in the Cave! Fake Momma described it as the warmest, brightest light ever. She said it encompassed life and death. Did you see the boys' faces when Fake Momma said that one of them would take her place guarding the light? Brother's face lit up at the thought of guarding the light. He was excited and eager to be the guard. Jacob's face remained the same as it had been before. Just calm. I got the feeling that he was much more naive than Brother..much less aware...


5) Brother is like Hurley! They both are visited by dead people. Young Brother is convinced that he needs to rejoin his people. Fake Momma warns him that they are bad, but he doesn't believe her anymore. Adult Brother learns that the people are bad. He doesn't see any redeeming qualities in them. But he remains with them in his attempt to leave the Island.


Young Jacob accepted Fake Momma's decree that the other people were bad, but Older Jacob sees redeeming qualities in them. Isn't it interesting how the two brothers' opinions changed over time?


I liked seeing that even though Brother left, Jacob still kept up contact with him. They would still play the game and talk.


6) Jacob's loyalty is intense! When his Brother tells him the truth about their Bio-Momma, Jacob just can't believe it and beats poor Brother down. Jacob remains with Fake Momma, even though he knows she loves Brother best. And Jacob became the guardian of the light at his mom's insistence, even though he knew she would have preferred Brother to be the guardian.


However, I did not expect Jacob to kill his brother. I know Brother had just murdered Fake Momma, but she** had just destroyed the entire village... And I certainly did not expect Jacob to throw his Brother down into the light. His Momma had told him never to go down there...that it was worse than death. And knowing that he still threw Brother into the light. Yowser!!! That boy does not deal well with negative emotions!


7) Brother was responsible for the wheel that transports people off the Island. Cool!!! I know that the well was covered up, but I am assuming that Brother just instructed others in how to finish what he had started.


I was really glad that the Lost writers didn't get into the nitty-gritty of how the light and water combined were capable of transporting people off the Island for two reasons. First, I am just too tired to hear a bunch of scientific explanations. And Second, at some point I will no longer be tired and would have actually research whatever explanation the writers had come up with to verify the accuracy and plausibility of their explanation and would have most likely been either greatly disappointed or greatly appalled by said explanation. And yes, I really would have researched the explanation because I am a big nerd. :P


I am curious to know how Brother came up with his idea. He said that He was Special. That comment makes me think that Dead people might have told him the idea. Or is he special in other ways besides the ability of talking to dead people? It could be either one.


8) Did you notice that Jacob became the guardian without a full understanding of the light or his role in protecting it? I wonder if that will come up later. Also, I wonder how the next guardian will do. Fake Momma had Jacob drink something as she spoke an incantation of some sort. Who will do that for the next guardian? And who will instruct the next guardian in their duties? Right now Hurley, Jack, and Sawyer all think the job is to guard the Island, when the real job is to guard the light.


9) Why do you think Fake Momma thanked Brother for killing her? Is she like Richard? I don' think so. She definitely looked older in the scenes with adult Jacob & Brother. She must be like Jacob, living on and on. I wonder how old she really was? And along this line of thought, I start wondering about how Jacob died. I thought that Ben had to be the one to kill Jacob because Ben was the leader of the others. But now I don't know.


OR do you think Fake Momma was saying thank you for something else? And if yes, what is she grateful for?
10) The drink that Jacob took to become the guardian...Isn't that the same bottle that Jacob gave to the Man in Black? The bottle that the Man in Black broke? Spilling the entire contents over the rocks? How is the next person going to become the guardian without the drink?
11) So we now know that Adam and Eve are really Fake Momma and Brother. It's nice to have one mystery explained. I started to type "Fully Explained" but had to delete the "Fully". I still have some questions regarding those two...

12) And finally, why is it that Jacob can leave the Island, but his Brother could not? I think I know why he can't leave know...I think it's because he is tied in with the Light and the BSM which must both remain on the Island. But why is it that Brother could not leave the Island when he was still a man? And why can Jacob leave? Did his Fake Momma leave the Island? What is that all about?


And that is it for me. My time to myself is long gone. Let me know what you thought about this episode. I am always curious as to others hypotheses. :)

**My Friend CrunchyConMommy thinks that Fake Momma might have used the Black Smoke Monster to destroy the village instead of doing it herself. She thinks that the BSM can be tapped into and used like that. She cites Ben using it against the mercenaries as evidence. Sounds like a great hypothesis to me!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

LOST Tragedy

***LOST Spoilers Ahead...Proceed With Caution***











1) This evening my daughter Rose was working on her homework. She needed some help with one of the assignments. She was supposed to write a 7-up sentence using the word "Tragedy". A 7-up sentence is a sentence with seven words.


When I think of the word tragedy my mind turns to Shakespeare. We played around with different sentences using Shakespeare as our reference point. Rose ended up using "The play Hamlet is a great tragedy." A pretty straightforward statement, but it met the 7-up requirements.


Tonight's episode of LOST could also be called a tragedy. Let's see if I can come up with a 7-up sentence to describe what I mean..."The Kwans' death is an epic tragedy." or how about "The Kwans' death was a foreseeable tragedy." I think that one might fit better.


We all knew that either Jin or Sun were going to die. We knew it. I was thrilled last episode that Jin and Sun were both alive and healthy at their reunion. I had been so worried that the Lost writers would have the reunion be at the deathbed of one of them or that they would only be reunited after the death of the other spouse. It was wonderful to see them reunited happy and whole. But their deaths at the end of this episode....Whoa. That was just...Whoa.


I loved that Jin didn't leave her. He had said before that if he ever found Sun, he would never leave her side again. He kept that vow. It was heart-wrenching to see. Especially the final scene with their previously clasped hands slowly drifting apart in the water. Holy buckets! That was hard to watch.


I watched this episode while holding my new babe and I kept thinking about the Kwan's little girl. I kind of hoped that Jin would leave so he could raise his little girl. Of course, there was no guarantee that he would have made it off the Island, however I still kind of hoped. But his refusing to leave, Whoa. The love and commitment was astounding. Sun and Jin's relationship has been all over the place during their time on the Island and the three years apart. It was great to see it blossom into a true and deep and abiding love. What??? A lasting love??? Cue the Lost writers to destroy it! Those guys and gals just can't seem to stand watching anyone happy and in love. Do you think any of them are in happy and loving relationships? I sure hope at least one of them is. Of course, if there is one writer happily married they are probably married to someone with only three months to live. Sheesh!


2) Hooray for Bernard! It was nice to see him. (Please note he is happily a woman who is dying.) He gave Jack the name "Anthony Cooper" then said "I hope you find what you're looking for." Oh! That line sounded familiar. I wonder why? Haha! Probably because it has been said a few times before. It doesn't seem like anyone on the Island is finding what they are looking for without meeting some tragic end. But Sideways people seem to be finding what they are looking for without too much tragedy. At least, not yet...


3) I totally did not see it coming that John would be responsible for his Dad's vegetable state. John spoke of his Father with love and respect. He wanted his Dad to be the first he flew with. Wow! So, let me get this straight...John and Anthony had a good relationship? Really??? How do you think that all works since we know that Anthony still had a hand in the demise of James' parents? Do you think Anthony was a conman? Maybe he actually had a line this time...I mean a line that he wouldn't cross. Like maybe he was okay conning others, but he would never con his own son... Like that was a line he just wouldn't cross... I really just don't know what to think there.
In the meantime, John is punishing himself for the accident and his Dad's vegetable state. That's so sad.
4) Island Jack keeps leaving Claire behind! I know this time he didn't do it knowingly, but still. Come on big brother! Look out for your little sis. I appreciated Sideways Jack telling Claire that they are family and offering her a place at his home.
5) Sayid told Jack where Desmond was and declared that he knew Jack would be the one chosen...unless I heard that wrong. :(
I think Sayid showed that he still had good in him when he grabbed the bomb and ran to the other side of the sub. Whether Sayid is right about Jack, there are only three candidates left. BSM is doing a good job getting rid of them. Sayid is dead now. And both the Kwans. I wonder if we'll ever find out which Kwan Jacob meant. I still think it was Jin, just because all the other candidates are male. Anyhoo, we're down to three: Jack, James, and Hurley. As much as I like Sawyer, I'm leaning towards either Jack or Hurley as the replacement.
6) Frank is dead. I liked him and now he is dead. :(
I think Jack is right, BSM can't kill the candidates. Hopefully, James and Hurley will listen to him and they can stand up to BSM together and take that smokey monster down!!! For now, the BSM is marching off to Whidmore's camp to "finish what he started". Do you think anyone from Whidmore's team will still be alive for the next episode?? I assume that at least Whidmore will survive.
7) So things to look forward to in the next episode:
*Desmond being pulled from the well.
*A little more from Whidmore and his camp.
*Hurley, Jack, Sawyer, and Kate forming a plan to take out BSM.
*Richard, Ben, and Miles doing something or other. Not sure that they will blow up the plane, but they still have a part to play. The Island isn't done with them yet.
What do you think is going to happen next???