Friday, March 5, 2010

LOST has an Epic Battle

**LOST Spoilers Ahead...Proceed With Caution**
Again, I have to apologize for being so late with this post. The closer I get to my due date, the more busy my life seems to get.
This episode was Sayid-centric. I like Sayid's character, so that's fine by me.
1) Sayid and Nadia as in-laws. That was awkward to watch. I know that Sayid is from Iraq/Iran where the ten commandments are not in play, but I just couldn't help thinking: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. And especially not thy brother's wife!!" That was just weird. And what is with Sayid saying he's spent all these years trying to wash his hands and not deserving Nadia. Clearly Nadia would have chosen Sayid over Sayid's brother, but she didn't think Sayid returned her affections. How sad.
2) Sayid's brother is a jerk. The way he spoke to Sayid in the middle of the night..."I know what kind of man you are." Sheesh. Sayid has worked hard, it appears, to overcome his past transgressions. It is not kind to bring them back up and throw them in Sayid's face. Especially when you are only doing it because you want Sayid to take care of the bad consequences of choices YOU made. Come on people! Doesn't everyone know by now that the only place you should ever get a loan from is an Accredited Bank. Going to some Joe down the block is just asking for trouble.
3) The battle between Sayid and the Samurai was EPIC! I have been looking forward to that for the last couple of episodes. It was SO worth the wait. As much as I like Sayid, I was thrilled that the Samurai beat him. Sayid has really done some bad stuff and the Samurai seems like a good guy. I was happy he won. There were some really neat and intricate moves performed during that fight. Hoorah! I was also happy that he didn't kill Sayid. When I first saw the baseball, I was completely thrown. I didn't think that we had been told the significance of that baseball, but I felt like I DID know, like I had heard that story before. At commercial break, I realized where the baseball was from. Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Hahaha! I saw the baseball and flashed back to Captain Benjamin Sisko. He kept a baseball on his desk to remind him of Earth. That was a good show. Ben is one of my all-time favorite characters.
The Samurai's baseball, however, was to remind him of the son he almost lost. The story of Jacob offering to save his son's life if he would come to the Island was a bit intense. The whole time he was relaying it, I was watching Sayid, waiting for him to spring and stab the Samurai. I know he dropped the dagger when he walked in, but the guy is fast. He could easily have grabbed it and plunged it into the Samurai while the Samurai was distracted. I did NOT expect Sayid to grab him and throw him into the water. The Sacred Water!!! That took me completely by surprise. And then slashing the bespeckled-translating-helper-man. Whoa. That was just Evil.
Sayid has officially, 100% gone to the dark side of the force. :(
4) The Kate/Claire confrontation happened in this episode. Whoa! Emilie de Ravin rocked as Claire. She was such a sweet little thing in the first seasons. To see her 180 into the Claire of this season just shows what a great actress she is.
Did everyone see Claire's face change and morph during the confrontation? First, Claire is happy to see Kate. Then, when Kate declares she took Aaron, Claire's face goes from shocked and surprised to a homicidal glare that, frankly, freaked me out! How did Kate miss that glare??? Really, she is so self-absorbed and so convinced of her own superiority that she misses a lot.
I think I should note that I adore the actress playing Kate. Evangeline Lilly is doing a superb job bringing Kate to life. It is the character of Kate that I have issues with. She just plain bugs me sometimes! Haha. :)
Back to Claire. So the girl gives Kate a homicidal glare. Then Claire hears the BSM at work and her face changes to one of she is sure that Kate is going to get her comeuppance soon. Freaky, I tell you. Absolutely Freaky! Especially when she announces that "He is coming." Run Kate!! Run!
At the end, when Claire, Kate, and Sayid emerge from the temple, did you notice the exchange between Claire and BSM? Claire and BSM look at each other, smiling. Then BSM notices Kate. His face changes to a kind of taken aback, wondering look. He looks back at Claire, who gives him a look that said (in my opinion) "Kill the Witch", then looked back to Kate with a look of strategic cunning. I think BSM is going to use Kate and get the most out of her that he can before he fulfills his bargain with Claire to rain retribution on the one who stole Aaron away. Kate will be a very useful tool for him. On BSM's side, she has a relationship with Sawyer. On Jacob's side, she could be used to manipulate Jack. Somehow, I see that as the more likely use of manipulate Jack, because we all know how Jack can fly off the handle when someone he cares about is in trouble. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to Claire when they are finally reunited.
5) The Beach gang is back! Hooray! It was wonderful to see Sun, Ilana, Frank, and even Ben again. And how serendipitous that just as I was shouting at my TV for Miles to run, they come along to save him. Hooray!
Sun has missed Jin again. I'm afraid that they won't meet up until one is on their deathbed or dead. Cross your fingers they get off the Island together. When the show first started, their relationship was in shambles. But they have both grown to truly love and cherish each other. I hope they can have a long and happy life and that Jin can meet his daughter.
I feel reassured that the Beach gang will be safe as long as they have Ilana. She knows what she is doing and is confident in her actions. She is a great leader! And Frank. Man! I love his character. Haha! Of course, I just cursed him by saying that. Dang it. :(
6) Ben has returned. How weird was it when he tried to save Sayid? Telling him that there is still time, then Sayid turning with a freaky look on his face and replying "Not for me". That look Sayid had gave me chills. Sayid has definitely chosen his side. The odd thing is that Ben seems to still be scrambling, still trying to figure out which side best fits him before he makes a choice. He isn't evil, but he isn't exactly good either.
Did you hear the promo for next week? It said that Ben will meet his demise. Excuse me? I had to ask Hubby if I heard that correctly. Yep. I did. It seems that next week Ben will be dying. Wait to ruin the surprise dumb promo people. Of course, now I'll be waiting the whole episode for his death and jumping at every little thing. Oh well. It will be interesting to see how the LOST writers decide to end the phenomenal character that is Benjamin Linus. But I guess now is the time. They are killing everybody else off, might as well get rid of Ben too. :(
7) Back to Sayid in the Sideways timeline. I loved the confrontation between Sayid and Martin the Thug. Wasn't it funny to watch Martin cooking up eggs? Trying to act all nonchalant as a way to threaten Sayid? Haha! Maybe I have watched too many thug-like movies, but Martin's attempts at showing power and control over Sayid were completely obvious. Also obvious, that Martin and this minions would be dead soon. I mean, come on! This is Sayid we are talking about! Did anyone, for one second, question that Sayid would come out on top in that confrontation? Okay, I admit it. For one second I did. It was when Sayid dropped his head a bit with a look of resignation. I should have known that was just a ploy, but I am trying really hard not to read too much into this last season. I want to just enjoy the final season as it unfolds. And boy am I ever!!!
I also did not guess that it would be Jin in the freezer. "No English." Haha. Poor Jin. What happened to him? And where is Sun? That will be an interesting storyline to watch.
8) Sides have been chosen. BSM appears to have many more followers than Jacob. However, I foresee that many of his followers will jump ship as soon as they can do so safely. And I don't think BSM will see it coming. BSM seems so wrapped up in getting what he wants, he doesn't always notice the small intricacies of the people that surround him. Jacob, on the other hand, knows how each person works. That will be a great tool for him in defeating BSM. And don't bother telling me that BSM is going to win. I just refuse to believe that. So hush! ;)
The Sides as of this week are:
BSM Team: Sawyer, Sayid, Claire, Kate, Jin, and a bunch of others
Jacob Team: Jack, Hurley, Ilana
Undecided: Ben, Miles, Frank, Sun.
I think Miles, Frank, Sun and Jin will all choose Jacob as soon as they have that choice to make. Hopefully, Jin will stay alive long enough to make that choice. But I'm not sure since he is dealing with crazy Claire who now knows that when he first said Kate took Aaron, he was telling the truth and that he lied afterwards to save his skin. I really don't think Claire will react well to that knowledge...if she ever figures it out.
On a pregnancy note: I have six and a half weeks left until my due date. For the last two weeks I have been having the most vivid and intense dreams of my life. They are crazy weird! Like Alice in Wonderland weird.
After watching Lost on Tuesday, I had a dream that I was involved in the fight. Except we were fighting dodge ball style in a lagoon. In Shark and Minnows style, if your head was above water you could be knocked out, but if you kept your head under water you were safe. I was doing my best to knock out members of BSM's team. I got quite a few of them and would duck back under water before I could get tagged out. I know it sounds silly, but the dream was freaking intense!!! I woke up all in a panic! Hurley, Juliet (back from the dead and on our side), and Miles needed my help desperately. :S
Ey-yah! I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over. Hahaha!! Maybe my dreams will mellow out a bit once the babe is safely delivered. I also can hardly wait for the next episode. Only four days left. What do you think will happen next?

1 comment:

Tina said...

As usual, I love the Lost post.

I was hoping for your next post now, but I know you have a busy schedule. I enjoyed the last episode more than usual, because things moved along, so I can't wait to see what you have to say :)